5 September 2008

Take Two...

Well, I have decided to have another go. And this time I intend to finish. Last year the training started in May. This year I will start from September. And will be keeping this blog updated with all my exploits along the way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rich

Having read your etape blog and done it for the 1st time myself this year, I found your etape blog a good source of info.

I wasn't aware that you were bloging la marmotte 2008, having just read about it.

I have also set myself the target of doing la marmotte 2009, I hope to read how it is going and goes for you.

Best Wishes



George Scott said...

Have just read your 2008 blog and thought it was fantastic.

I'm looking to buy my first road bike having rowed for the past three years and it's stories like yours that make me want to get riding - real grit and determination!

Gareth Price said...

Nice blog. I'm doing this event next year I'm currently 21st 11 lbs and I aim to be around 14st when I turn up at the start line.
Hope to see you there.


Richard Allen said...

Wow. 8st loss would be a great achievement - I hope you ghave already started training hard - Just 9 months to go...
Best of luck.

Mark Liversedge said...

How goes it Rich? Too busy training to blog or has life taken the drivers seat?

All the best,

Richard Allen said...

Well thanks.

Hmmm. September was a poor showing.

October has been a little better. I did a painful solo 60 miler on Sunday, but feel good for having done it.

And I am now suitably embarrassed into getting my blog up to date. Which I'll try to do this weekend. To be honest i enjoy it and the plus side is that it should help with the motivation for November.

Mark Liversedge said...

c'mon dude. i've gotten back in the saddle and making great progress - you need to get out the door and ride. let me know if you need a bit of company to get you out the door...

take care,

Mark Liversedge said...

Hey Rich - I've signed up online for the 2009 Marmotte. Training in progress - got the cyclefilm reccie on DVD and it looks awesome. You getting back into it yet??????????????

Merry Christmas too!

Richard Allen said...

Yup. Started. Albeit slowly. I'll try to update the blog with my Sept-Dec load. Have now entered the Marmotte, so no backing out and just 6 months 'til the off. Better get a move on - Want to be a little better prepared than last year! What time are you shooting for? I reckon that a similar performance to 2007 (<10:00) would be equivalent to a Gold or better (<8:49).

Mark Liversedge said...

Good man! I was getting a bit worried there. You were sooooooooooooooooo close last year, hats off to you for getting back out there.

I'm not shooting for a particular time to be honest, just training to get as strong and light as I can and see what happens.

The grimpeur event on the day after is a different matter tho ... gotta break the hour!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Rich,

A couple of my cousins who i only get to see at Christmas did La Marmotte 2008 and have convinced to partake with them in 2009.

Iv never riden a road bike in my life (shopping for one now!) so will have to really step on it on the training front.

Thoroughly enjoyed your well writen blog. Hope your training goes well.


Richard Allen said...


Great that you are giving it a go. It's a great event, a brilliant challenge and a fantastic way to get into cycling. All the motivation that you could need.

My recommendations are: get yourself a bike, get the miles in, join a club, enter half a dozen 'practice' sportives and enjoy.

Glad you liked the blog - if you haven't seen my Etape blog then have a look - 2007 seems ages away now, but that was me buying my first road bike, training for a continental sportive, etc

Good luck.

Unknown said...

Hi Rich,

Good to see you've resumed your blog, i'm following with interest. As you may remember i am new to cycling but have bought a bike (2008 Giant scrc4). I am now 4 weeks into my own training programme (similar to yours) and absolutley loving the riding. The end of week three saw me complete a 40miler and i've lost 7lbs! Last week was unfortunately a write off, the snow penned me in at the start of the week (i live in the chilterns) and a cold for the rest of the week. Hopefully i'll get out tomorrow. Whilst suffering with the cold i did enter the following u.k. sportives:
Lakeland Loop (12/04-75miles)
Princes Risborough Sunday Sportive (26/04-80miles)
Chiltern Hundred (31/05-107miles)
Polkadot challenge (7/06-100miles)
Dragon Ride (14/06-112miles).
La Marmotte is a daunting prospect at the moment but i have faith in my training programme so as long as i can stay motivated, i think i'll be o.k. Anyway keep up the good work yourself, look forward to reading your forthcoming entries.
p.s. enjoyed the etape blog

Richard Allen said...

Glad that hear that you are enjoying the blogging and that your training and weightloss is going well. Congrats and keep it up.

A 40 miler is a good effort (<3hrs?) but you need to starting building on that if you are goining to be prepared for the Marmotte (110 miles/10+hrs).

The Sportives you have selected look greast and will help you build your mileage towards the start of July.The Dragon in particular is a great event and the only UK sportive that i have done that recreates the feel (if not the legth) of the alpine climbs.

La Marmotte is indeed a a daunting prospect, but you should use that too your advantage as a motivating tool to help you train harder/faster/longer.

Best of luck. Drop back and let me know how you're getting along.

Unknown said...


I was really impressed with your weight loss. I too attempted the Marmotte this year. However, my asthma and taking steroidal painkillers (for my back) meant that I was completely out of breath at 135 bpm, hence a 12 hour time.

I'll be back next year though. 10 hrs is my target time.
