26 May 2009

Update: 6 weeks

Weight: 12-8.2. (Target 12-9.8). BMI: 25.2. Body Fat: 22.9%.
Extrapolated Forecast: 11-12.5 (final 5wks @ -8.6 lbs per 4wks).
Wk7 Training: Hours: 10:06 (Target 9:00). Bike: 200.6km @ 26.9 kph.
Great week all round.  Long weekend away, yet I still manage to surpass weight & training expectations.

Weight... 1st point - The Loss - Down 2 lbs. Great result (and despite a couple of treats - One can't say no to Cornish pasties, ice cream or fudge now can you...).  In previous years I have stagnated a little when I have got near to the end goal.  This time I am (currently) staying more consistent losses - As indicated by my loss of 8.6 lbs over the last 4 weeks.  This gives an overly optimistic extrapolated forecast of 11st 12.5. Still, it tells me that 12stone is still very much a possibility.  Just need to string 5 more weeks of loss at 1.6 pounds per week.  Easy!
2nd point - The Milestone - 12st 8.2lbs = 79.9kg.  Sub 80 kilo.  Awesome! This is the first time I have been sub 12-9 / 80kg since 1993... when I was a teenager!  How does this compare to the last couple of seasons.  Well... 2007 Low: 12-9.2.  2007 Race: 12-11.8.  2008 Low/Race: 14-2.2.  I am now a shade under two years ago when I last peaked and a whopping 22 lbs (10kg) less than I was for last years attempt of the Marmotte.  Gotta help surely?
Fat...  Still plentiful.  Now up to 77.1% not fat.  However I am still regarded (medically) as overweight.  Oh well.  More of a worry is my fat% compared to 2 years ago.  In July07 I started the Etape with a weight of 12-10.6 and a Fat% of 18.9%.  I am currently 12-8.2 but with a much higher Fat% of 22.9%.  Now, I have changed my scales in the intervening period (Tanita to Salter).  but, if that isn't the reason then it looks like I have may have lost 7 pounds (3.2kg) of muscle.  More than a little worrying.  Can't help surely?
Training... Great week.  4 good sessions before my Cornish mini-break.  Then three very scenic rides along the up the coast and back.  The vista was amazing, the roads quiet and the weather good.  What more can you ask for?  Exceeded my expected target hours but didn't overdo the load on all the rides so happy with the overall effect.  Building from here for 'nother 4 weeks.
Really not long now... Schedule is:
This weekend >> Two 3-4hr rides (perhaps a sortee to Box Hill and a Club Run);
Three weekends of sportives >> Highclere (200k), Dragon Ride (185k) & Iron Mountain (160k);
One weekend tapering >> Shortish club run(?);
Off to the Alps >> La Marmotte


Anonymous said...

Training seems to be going well. Been an avid reader for past couple of years and interested in your diet, could you give us an overview of say a weeks food intake? Just some idea of each days food.

Richard Allen said...

I try to keep things consistent as it seems to be working (22 weeks so far).

During the week I have:

Breakfast: 350 KCals
Porridge (oats so simple) & Banana

Lunch: 750 KCals
Sandwich, Quavers!, Fruit salad (berries, grapes, kiwi) & Yoghurt.

Supper: 650 KCals
Varied. Depends on what the wife is cooking. Things like: Pasta & sauce, bangers & mash, fish n& potatoes, spag bol, etc. [Quite carb heavy but that is what I enjoy.]

At weekends it is a little less rigid:

The same, or crereal + toast

Varies. Big baked potato & beans + a rice pudding is typical. I have usually been out on the bike and like something that seems filling.

Similar to above, maybe slightly more substantial on one of the nights. Perhaps a pizza on a Sunday (1000 KCals) - but I have probably burned 3000 KCals on the club run (4hrs).

There is no 'rocket science' in any of the above. I drink very little, snack very little and keep all meals sensible. By consuming c1750 KCals/day I create a deficit of say 500 KCals/day. Then add in my workouts (average 8hrs/wk) creating another 500+ KCals/day deficit that is 7000 KCals/week. Equivalent to 2 lbs of fat.

Actual weight loss has been 41 lbs in 20 weeks (2.05/wk) so pretty much as above.

Hope that helps.

I have always found that (for me) the combination of dieting & excersizing is what shifts the pounds. I have dieted and not lost much, trained and not lost much. But when I watch my diet & hit the gym the weight seems to come off. Can't say it is easy, but do see results if I apply myself. (Downside is I also put weight back on very easily - hence why I was back at 15st+ in Jan08 & Jan09 - determined to keep most off this year so that i can start next year in better shape and thus aim for higher goals!)

Anonymous said...

Thats great, thanks Richard and good luck mate.